Cynic - Traced In Air

Artist - Cynic
Album - Traced In Air
Year - 2008
Source :

1. Nunc Fluens
2. The Space for This
3. Evolutionary Sleeper
4. Integral Birth
5. The Unknown Guest
6. Adam's Murmur
7. King of Those Who Know
8. Nunc Stans


2 komentar:

Ilyas Agusta mengatakan...

Band asaL Miami, Florida ini (Cynic) hadir sebagai progressive metaL band, dengan memasukkan unsur jazz fusion.. aLbum "Focus" 1993, teLah membuat suatu (anggap aja genre baru) di dunia metaL..
Cynic, genre: Technical death metal, Jazz fusion, Progressive metal, Heavy metal, Thrash metal..

KEREN.. lol

Janz_mephistopheles mengatakan...

yapp.. band ieu emang fusion sih,,,

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